Sick AND Need a Root Canal!  🤢🤮🤧🤒🤕😷

I started to get sick about 2 hours ago.  I’m sure you can tell I’m not feeling well by looking at my eyes.  Plus, I need a root canal.  Oil of clove is in my IMMEDIATE future!  I’m hoping the endodontist will finally give me information on what she plans to do.  Tomorrow marks weekContinue reading “Sick AND Need a Root Canal!  🤢🤮🤧🤒🤕😷”

Sargie Update #3

Sargie is barely eating and has had 2 saline solution treatments. Please send positive thoughts our way. He vomited all night on Wednesday. After talking to his vet, I brought him over on Friday for a bag of saline solution put into his body. Plus, she gave him an appetite inducer. She sent me homeContinue reading “Sargie Update #3”