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A Haunting Experience at Lakeview Cemetery

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Today’s video is a bit of a departure.  I have opted to share with you an other-worldly experience I had at Lakeview Cemetery in Burlington, Vermont.

This happened back in March 2021.  I was there filming YouTube videos.  Let me set the scene…

There were several inches of snow on the ground because we’d recently had a snowstorm.  The day was damp and cold.  It was blustery.  You know the kind: the cold of the day seeps into your bones and the wind cuts you in half.  Brrrr in a word!

I don’t wear or even own winter boots and haven’t in a good 20 years.  I certainly have a winter coat, though!  My trusty pink down jacket rocks my world!  That said, I typically leave it in the car.  I wasn’t wearing it as I filmed that day because I’m accustomed to not wearing it.  I would be outside filming and then sitting in my car preparing the video for YouTube and warming up.  Win-win!

As I was sitting in said car, the snow was being blown about by those strong winds.  I love watching that!  Imagine my surprise, though, when the blown snow seemed to stop mid-air.  That snow seemed to land on these 2 people: a man and a woman.  The gentleman appeared to be wearing a top hat.  The woman seemed to be using a muff (hand-warmer).  More importantly, their upper bodies were framed by the snow AND THEY WERE MOVING FORWARD!! 

In a matter of 30 seconds or a minute, the snow fell to the ground and the couple was gone.  I’ve never seen snow behave like that.  I’ve never seen a sight like that. 

Have you?  I’d love to know!

‘Twas along that path I witnessed a ghostly pair strolling. Who were they? Why did they show themselves? Or were they an illusion?
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